Rabu, 27 April 2011

PC Mechanic, New Article

PC Mechanic, New Article

"Background Send" Now Available For Gmail Users That Have No Life

Posted: 27 Apr 2011 03:00 AM PDT

gmailGmail now has a new feature called Background Send, available as a Gmail Labs feature. What this does is save valuable precious seconds of your life.

Everybody knows that waiting 2 seconds for an email to send is just too darned long and promotes bad habits. In those two seconds, you could have picked your nose. Or clicked your clicky pen. Or pondered, "Just what the hell are ‘vicissitudes’ anyway?" Well, we can’t have people wondering about nose picking, clicking pens or attempting to understand what vicissitudes are now, can we? Of course not. Your Gmail needs to be sent out as fast as possible.

And no, Background Send isn’t to accommodate for the fact that Gmail’s outgoing mail servers are slow as sh*t dragged along the bottom of the Mississippi River, because Google is awesome. Everything they have works 100% and never breaks. Google is cool like that. They would never dream of introducing a ‘feature’ that’s just a mask for an actual outgoing mail server problem. No, sir. Background Send is a totally valuable, totally awesome feature. That is The Google Way, and you will obey.

Bless you, Google! Keep up the good work!

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

"Background Send" Now Available For Gmail Users That Have No Life

Whatever Happened To The Wristwatch Cell Phone?

Posted: 26 Apr 2011 07:00 AM PDT

This is a follow-up to this article. Yesterday I talked about traditional wristwatches, but today I’m going to cover those which are actual phones.

It has been proven that people do prefer handsets over wristwatches when it comes to wireless phones, and that is not in dispute. This is due to two reasons. First, people feel stupid talking to their wrist (seems cool at first but quickly becomes embarrassing). Second, you have to text one-handed since the other hand isn’t available. And even with the best predictive-text technologies, one-handed texting just doesn’t cut it.

This is what I found out about wristwatch or wristwatch-like cell phones:

LG GD910

lg-gd9101More info: Link

I don’t even know if this phone is for sale or not, so if anyone wants to check, feel free to do so and post a comment below.

This is a GSM phone on your wrist. It has a 1.3-inch touchscreen display, is video call capable and has Bluetooth amongst other goodies throughout (data storage, MP3 player, etc.) It looks nice enough but I have absolutely no idea what it sounds like. Then again I guess one would simply use a Bluetooth earpiece for talking.

Reports on this device are spotty at best. I’ve read some articles that say yes, you can buy it and the price is $130 – but that’s unconfirmed. Again, if anyone wants to shed some light on the GD910 and whether it’s truly available or not, please feel free to post a comment or two.

Hello Kitty Wristwatch Phone

image(Image from FocalPrice)

If you’re saying to yourself, "What the f**k is that?!", don’t worry, I said the same thing.

This was one of the search results that came up when I searched for wristwatch cell phones. You would be shocked to see how many Hello Kitty brand phones there are; the selection is actually quite large and covers everything, including smartphones.

Also in the mix is what you see at right, a Hello Kitty wristwatch GSM phone. It sells for around $85 depending on where you buy it.

Yes, this phone is completely wrong in every way, with the most obvious design flaw being the non-standard keypad that has its numbers physically going in a circle. Imagine trying to dial a number on this thing manually. Not a pleasant experience.

Anything else?

Not really. Other articles I read were last updated years ago; the only right-now information I could locate is on the two phones above.

In order for a wristwatch cellphone or smartphone to truly make a splash in the marketplace, the first step is that a product needs to actually be there that people would actually want to use; at present there’s next to nothing in that respect. Unless anyone else can find something that I missed, it looks like we’ll be sticking with handsets for phones, which as said above is the preferred choice.

Post from: PCMech. Helping Normal People Get Their Geek On And Live The Digital Lifestyle.

Whatever Happened To The Wristwatch Cell Phone?

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