Jumat, 01 April 2011

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Chrome, meet Lynx

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 02:39 PM PDT

Those cards over at Google released the newest, best, most useful extension for Chrome ever. ChromeLite, speeding Chrome up past the point of no return. Google posted the extension to their app market earlier today. It hearkens back to the command lines of old, ASCII terminal emulation, and the internet before embedded images.

Are you annoyed with images? Dismayed by color? Do you crave the purity of text, and only text? Then this is the extension for you. Stripped of all of the flash and glam of the web today, you can browse at speeds not seen since 1983! ChromeLite replicates the action of the venerable browser known as lynx. Used by command line jockeys almost everywhere, lynx (not to be confused with links) cuts out most of what makes the web sluggish today.

Are you a chromium user? Mosey on over to the extension’s page and take a look at it for yourself. It’s the only way I’m ever going to browse the web again.

[via Google]

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Katsura, Exclusive Leaked Shots

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 02:02 PM PDT

Android Community released some exclusive shots of the Kyocera Katsura, an otherwise unknown gaming tablet. Their source is revealed only as "our man in Eastern Europe." These blurry shots give some nice teases on this piece of tech.

The Katsura looks to be an extra-wide tablet comparable to the Motorola Xoom in thickness. The backing looks like it’s a matte rubberized finish with branded designs molded into the cover. It seems like a comfortable tablet at first glance.

It’s not certain what their source meant when he dubbed this device as a gaming tablet. First thoughts, it’s a wider tablet, which if it works like I hope it does, will give users and developers space for user interface alongside the game window. This design could be all about giving more window space where gamers need it most.

[via Android Community]

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Google’s Android anti-fragmentation push is vital

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 01:20 PM PDT

Reports earlier this week painted an ominous future for Google’s open-source strategy with Android, the company’s mobile device platform. Gone, insiders at OEMs and carriers suggested, was the eager-to-please ambition and flexibility of the early days, back when Google was desperate for market penetration and manufacturer support. Instead, they claimed, Android head Andy Rubin had become a harsh gatekeeper, doling out early access to new iterations of the OS only to those who’ll toe the Google line, attempting to trip handsets that used rival services, and doing it all under the banner of “non-fragmentation.” Open-source lovers wrung their hands; iOS addicts basked in a righteous glow.

Android, so the arguments went, was supposed to be our open-source salvation. More flexible in the access it allowed to its code than iOS or Windows Mobile, but with the heft of Google behind it so that, unlike LiMo, it would stand a chance at brand recognition among mainstream consumers, it would skirt the line between speed and reliability in its development and updates. Google was ambitious and relentless in its pursuit of partners among manufacturers and carriers.

The versatility was clear from the start. “The Android platform will be made available under one of the most progressive, developer-friendly open-source licenses, which gives mobile operators and device manufacturers significant freedom and flexibility to design products” the original Open Handset Alliance press release proclaims. ”Handset manufacturers and wireless operators will be free to customize Android in order to bring to market innovative new products faster and at a much lower cost.”

Sure enough, the number of Android devices on the market snowballed, and with them came untold variations on the core platform, just as Google invited. HTC pushed in one direction with Sense, other OEMs like Samsung, Motorola and LG developed their own UIs, and operators took advantage of the latitude to make their own modifications.

Yet, look at what consumers are demanding, and you’ll see it’s consistency. Last month’s J.D. Power 2011 survey results found Apple’s iPhone taking top-spot among smartphones for customer satisfaction, notably scoring full marks for “ease of operation” whereas its Android-reliant rivals managed 3/5. Perhaps more galling for Motorola and HTC, the second and third place holders, the iPhone scored top marks for satisfaction with handset features while they managed 4/5, despite in many cases their Android devices being better equipped than the Apple alternative.

In fact, despite the improvements in hardware and software since the 2010 survey, HTC and Motorola actually dropped in their scores (Apple did too, incidentally, but by a far smaller amount). The message from users is clear: they want a straightforward user experience and the tightly-constrained iOS environment delivers on that. With those raw figures in front of them, it’s hardly a surprise that Google would look to standardize the platform.

Still, for every fragment avoided, there’s the possibility of legitimate, interesting – and, dare I say, useful – innovation being squandered. Meeting with ASUS this week to discuss the launch of the Eee Pad Transformer, one of the company’s engineers pointed out that Google had taken issue with their homegrown Live Wallpaper, suggesting it tapped into the underlying code (to show battery status via an animated water level) in a way that they weren’t happy with. The end result, ASUS said, was that the wallpaper might not be present on the hardware that eventually ships.

Now, a wallpaper probably isn’t something to get too worked up over – though it’s definitely easier to glance at it and see what state the battery is in than it is to check the far smaller generic gauge in the Honeycomb toolbar – but it’s indicative of some of the issues OEMs using Android will increasingly face in the coming months. Question is, to what extent does not being in the first wave of partners affect your competitiveness in the market.

As we’ve heard, the message from operators and manufacturers is that Google restricting access to those who won’t fragment will have a huge impact. They’ve even called in the US Department of Justice over it. The argument is that, by missing out on the very latest release Google’s engineers develop, they fall behind rivals. Yet look at something like the HTC Incredible S: it runs Android 2.2 Froyo, one release (and several months) behind 2.3 Gingerbread on the HTC Desire S, and yet not only are the two handsets near-identical in their appearance, the functionality is hardly different too.

That’s because of the extent of HTC’s tinkering, taking Sense so far that the underlying OS is far less important. In fact, despite running the newer version on the same hardware, our benchmarking found the Desire S to perform worse than the Incredible S. Android was supposed to be something anybody could modify, and HTC has run with that: not just slapping a new interface on top, for the sake of looking just different enough on store shelves, but really making the platform their own. If Google clamping down on fragmentation is enough to prevent mediocre, skin-deep UIs then I’m all for it.

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Apple Dev Conference Tickets Scalped on ebay

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 01:14 PM PDT

Apple’s exclusive developer’s conference, World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) is coming up in a couple months. Tickets just went on sale and sold out on Monday. The June 6-11 conference holds promise of “the future of iOS and Mac OS.” This conference isn’t open to the general public, each of the $1599 tickets must be paired with registration as an Apple developer. Enterprising scalpers have posted a number of these tickets on ebay today, Digital Trends reports.

A search on eBay reveals one active auction for a single WWDC ticket with a current high bid of $3,951 (includes free shipping though!). EBay shows nine other active auctions with currents bids ranging from $1,225 to $3,450. Computerworld reported one ticket listed under eBay's "Buy It Now" option with an asking price of $4,599. That ticket appears to have been sold or removed.

A similar search revealed none of this at the time of this posting. It looks like the tickets have all been sold or taken down as of now.

The conference will be held in San Francisco’s Moscone West convention center.

[via Digital Trends]

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Twitter Yanks The QuickBar From iPhone App

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 12:23 PM PDT

Twitter has yanked the infamous QuickBar from its iPhone and iPad app in its latest update. The QuickBar was added previously as a means to help users discover what’s happening beyond their own circles and learn of new trending topics. However, the new feature was not well received.

Many people felt that the QuickBar was rather intrusive and could become a form of unwanted advertisement where companies could pay to have certain trending topics thrusted upon users via the QuickBar. Apparently, Twitter sensed the negative reception and swiftly removed the new feature.

The QuickBar may be dead for now, but Twitter says it will continue to explore ways to highlight what’s going on outside of your chosen circle of influence. They hope to find new ways to improve in-app notifications and discovery.

[via Twitter Blog]

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Google +1: So Simple These Babies Get It

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 12:15 PM PDT

These babies know more about internet than you ever will. Listen, er, read the subtitles of their wise words and learn about the glory that is +1. It’s just that simple. You have to listen to them because they’re babies on the internet. They do a better job of explaining and entertaining than a posse of a million. Enjoy.

The babies are talking about Google +1, a new thing from Google that’s been heralded as the best thing since apps. I don’t know if it’s any good yet, because they haven’t even released the thing into the wild yet. Considering the date, it might be the biggest prank ever to receive a chorus of LOL. I hope it’s true because it would be cool of them to jack Zuckerberg’s Like It.

You should just be finishing up with the babies right about now. Do you see what we’re talking about here? This is Google’s opening shots in the Button Wars of 2011. Check out our coverage you might have missed from earlier today.

[via Kara @ All Things Digital]

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HTC Thunderbolt Sales Surpass The iPhone 4 At Verizon Stores, Says Analyst

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 12:04 PM PDT

According to BTIG Research analyst Walter Piecyk, the HTC Thunderbolt is showing up the iPhone 4 by matching and even outselling the Apple smartphone in many Verizon Wireless stores. The informal study conducted by Piecyk involved calling 150 different Verizon Wireless locations across 22 major U.S. cities and asking which smartphone was selling better.

The survey found that the devices were selling about the same at 61% of the Verizon Wireless stores. However, 11% of the stores said that the iPhone 4 was selling faster while 28% of the stores said that the ThunderBolt outsold the iPhone 4. So what does this survey say about smartphone sales or Android versus iOS preferences in the market? Not very much.

The survey was conducted during the two weeks following the Thunderbolt launch in mid-March, while the iPhone 4 has been available at Verizon since February. Not only that, but the iPhone 4 has also been with AT&T for some time now and just doesn’t have quite the freshness that the new HTC device brings. So, it’s not really a fair comparison.

The HTC Thunderbolt has gotten great reviews and impressed many with its blazing 4G speeds, so I suppose this analyst’s report is just to remind us to go get one while it’s hot. But before you head out to grab one from your local Verizon store, make sure to check our HTC Thunderbolt review.

[via BGR]

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Nintendo 3DS UK Launch Most Successful Ever for the Gaming Company

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 11:20 AM PDT

Nintendo must be jumping for joy now that the gaming device is well on its way toward populating the hands and hearts of gamers all around the world. Especially in the UK, where this launch is now Nintendo’s most successful EVER. The company has sold a ginormous 113,000 3DS handheld consoles in its opening weekend alone, this trumping even the Nintendo Wii which sold 105,000 units in the same amount of time at launch.

The original Nintendo DS sold 87,000 in its opening weekend, and of course the numbers are ultra devastatingly good in the US and the rest of Europe as well. The launch has trumped the original DS sales figures in both areas, Europe as a whole (we’re assuming this figure doesn’t include the UK) totaling in at 303,000 units on opening weekend. Of course Japan sold their entire allotment out – 400,000 during the February 2011 release month.

Also check out how the 3DS has set a one day sales record, how secret ninjas are purchasing up stock from cheaper retailers to sell in their own stores, and behold our totally full review and hands-on look!

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HTC Arrive Review

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 09:43 AM PDT

The following is an account of the HTC Arrive being handled by your humble narrator Chris Burns, a fellow who before handling this phone had literally never worked with Window Phone 7 before save for a couple of small interactions here or there. Therefor what you’ll get is a thorough assessment of the hardware and a review of what I see as the future of mobile computing as it applies to Microsoft as well as the potential Windows Phone 7 has in a largely Android and iOS dominated market – and why with a little adjustment here or there, WP7 may dominate.

First Impressions

Being a heavy Android user and an every-other-day iOS user via iPad 2, I had low expectations for Windows Phone 7. When you’re inundated with advertisements for two systems that clearly have the sales to back up their claim, you start to believe that there’s no other OS out there that can match your favorite, or in this case favorites. The last time I reviewed a phone that wasn’t an Android, it was a BlackBerry, and I was kind but truthful on how I thought there wasn’t much future for RIM if they continued down the path they’d been going at the time.

With Windows Phone 7 on a device like the HTC Arrive, Microsoft has a fighting chance at at the very least staying in the game as an option for smartphone seekers on all the major carriers, and at most becoming one of the top three mobile OS providers in the world. What I see here is a nearly perfected bit of hardware carrying a mobile OS with a lot of potential.


This phone is heavier than an HTC ThunderBolt with the extended battery attached. That’s saying something, as that Android phone is basically a monster once it’s got its tank cannon on. The HTC Arrive is NOT thin, but it is ergonomically shaped, so well made that you KNOW HTC has been at this game for several years making handsets made to please.

I’m concerned about the space between the top and bottom halves of the phone when the device is folded out (right where the display connector strips are housed) as that’s a PERFECT place to hold a boatload of dust. The same is true of the speaker areas on either side of the display. Thus far, however, only the speaker areas have collected a significant amount of specs and bits. On the other hand, you COULD get a little satin pull-string bag to keep the phone in, as everyone should perhaps have for their high-quality electronics.

The majority of this handset is made of metal. This is exactly what handset makers should be doing across the board. It makes the device look and feel like it cost a million bucks. The hinge on this device is tops, strong enough to stay open without flipping up and down unless you’d like it to, but easy enough to use that you’ll be able to flip it out with one hand. The camera is not ideally placed, but until the world figures out how to put the camera on the flipped-out portion of the phone, this is as good as it’s going to get.

Photo quality is OK, video quality is OK. I’m a firm believer in the fact that you’ve really got to judge this part of the phone on your own, since everyone’s got different standards. On the other hand, I can say that the video and photo quality in this device are not up to the standards HTC set for the ThunderBolt. This is a lower end of high-end camera on a high-high end device.


The version of Windows Phone 7 running on this device is 7.0.7389.0. As Microsoft has done no gigantic changes to this iteration of their mobile OS, I can comfortably say that they’ve got somewhat of a long way to go. That said, there’s a LOT of potential here. You can tell that this system was designed not only by developers and programmers, but but graphic designers as well. Where in the past I always felt like Apple had the majority of the edge over Windows in desktop operating systems when it came to aesthetics, Windows Phone 7 appears fresh, daring, and new!

There are giant text blocks that cut off at the screen (but not so much you wouldn’t know what they are), arrows, dots, and gear symbols as markers in all the right places, and a simplicity that I think even Apple doesn’t truly have. That’s what Microsoft has been pushing since the beginning, and that’s what they’ve got. That said, like I mentioned above, I come from a daily schedule that includes Android and iOS every, single, day of the year. Whenever one switches from an operating system they’ve been using for years to one they’ve never seen before, they get a bit confused as to why there’s only 3 constant keys instead of 5 or 1, if you know what I mean. I think this is Microsoft’s largest barrier, and indeed the biggest barrier that any other mobile OS has at the present time.


Speaking from the same perspective, if you’ve never used Windows Phone 7 before in your life, please do yourself a favor and give it a test drive. It’s cool, it’s new, and it has, again, a lot of potential. If you’re in a position where you’ve never used a smartphone before, well then, you’ve got quite a decision before you. I will say this: the switch between Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android is going to be much easier for a person than either will be to or from Windows Phone 7. For certain.

As far as the hardware here goes – it’s tops. The hinge is strong and sticks as it should but is maneuverable enough to accept a single hand for opening. The screen is bright and will satisfy anyone hoping to play some fabulous Xbox games like Katamari or Need for Speed, and every control you’ll be needing for those games or any other applications are at the top of their game here as well. The touchscreen, for example, is as responsive as I’ve ever felt a phone being.

If you’re already in to Windows Phone 7, this is a hot choice for you. It’ll give you all the screen real-estate you’ll want and allows you a physical keyboard (which, by the way, is very nicely spaced and responsive as well.) The speakers are loud, the camera is alright, and the case itself is made of high-quality metal. A real winner in the hardware department. Let’s hope for more development from Microsoft so they can catch up with HTC for overall perfection!

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Face-Recognition app lights firestorm between Google and CNN [Updated]

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 06:54 AM PDT

If it had come a day or two later, the concept of a Google facial-recognition system could well have been one of the search giant’s April Fools’ pranks. Instead, it’s prompted a war of words between them and CNN, tapping into ongoing concerns about privacy and the intermingling of our online lives and the real-world.

The original CNN report from earlier this week quoted Google engineering director Hartmut Neven as confirming the company was working on a mobile face-recognition app, capable of matching real-time footage from the camera on an Android device to the photos stored as part of users’ Google Profiles pages. Neven heads Google’s image-recognition development department, the expertise of which, it was claimed, could be rolled into either the existing Google Image Search or a new app altogether.

Reticence to set a release schedule, CNN claimed, was down to “concerns within Google about how privacy advocates might receive the product.” The technology had already been integrated with Google Googles object-recognition and Picasa’s face-recognition.

Unsurprisingly, despite CNN’s claims that Google was taking a “conservative” approach, privacy advocates and general opinion was less than positive. What was more surprising was Google’s own response, the company reaching out to SlashGear among others to quickly squash rumors of a facial-recognition app:

“We are NOT "introducing a mobile application" (as the CNN piece claims) and as we've said for over a year, we would NOT add face recognition to any app like Goggles unless there was a strong privacy model in place. A number of items "reported" in the story, such as a potential app connecting phone numbers, email addresses and other information with a person's face, are purely speculative and are inventions of the reporter.” Google spokesperson

With the specter of a biannual privacy audit being completed by independent researchers looming over it, having finally settled a deal with the FCC after the Buzz launch debacle, the strength of Google’s reaction was extreme. The company is facing investigation on multiple fronts, with Microsoft demanding the EU begin an antitrust case against them and talk of OEMs and carriers complaining to the US DOJ over how the Google is reportedly handling Android fragmentation.

It was enough to bring out an equally combative retort from CNN itself, insisting that the interview had not only been on the record and approved by Google at the time, but all recorded on tape:

“Google's claims do not fit the facts of the situation. This interview was prearranged – on the record – and staffed by a Google PR rep, who raised no objections at the time and did not deny what the engineer said. Additionally, we have an audio recording of the interview, as does Google. We stand firmly behind Mark's reporting." CNN spokesperson

We’ve requested a copy of the recording from CNN and will update accordingly.

So, where now? We’d be at the front of the queue for an app that could help us remember names and details of people we’d already met and had established social relationships before, and we imagine plenty of others would be interested as well. The key point is that the connections be existing: I shouldn’t be able to look at any stranger and see their details, but if I’ve met the person before, and have a verified association, then why not?

Update: Google has been in touch with a second statement:

“As we've said for more than a year, we will not add facial recognition to Goggles unless we have strong privacy protections in place. We're still working on them. We have nothing to announce at this time.” Google spokesperson

CNN appears to have modified its original article – though the quotes themselves are unchanged – and from what we can tell the sticking point here is the suggestion of an app being in development. As mentioned above, Google’s facial-recognition systems are not new, and their primary goal appears not to be taking issue with CNN’s quotations but some of the assertions made based on those quotes and the level of current technology, namely that there is an app of some sort in the works. So, perhaps not a firestorm, but an accidental brush fire with both sides taking a strong – and, maybe, unnecessarily aggressive - opening stance.

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iPad 2 stock boost due as Apple adds panel provider

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 06:35 AM PDT

Apple is reportedly looking to a new display provider, in an attempt to alleviate supply chain delays for the iPad 2 and reduce the lengthy wait times customers are experiencing. According to the Economic Daily News, Apple has roped in AU Optronics to supply the IPS 1024 x 768 displays for the iPad 2. Interestingly, the report claims that Apple has agreed to pay three to four times the current market price for each panel.

As a result, AUO has turned over half the capacity of its fifth-gen plant in Taichung for the production of the panels, in the process licensing the IPS technology from Hitachi so as to meet Apple’s specification demands. Even with half the facility dedicated, that still might not mean a huge output; yields at the plant are said to reach 60- to 70-percent because Apple’s requirements are so stringent.

Currently Samsung and LG Display provide Apple with iPad screens, and the decision to include AUO is also being seen as a response to growing competition in the tablet space from the rival companies. Hitachi and Toshiba, meanwhile, have been temporarily discounted due to the impact of the Japanese earthquake. There’s no word when the iPad 2 stock situation is expected to be alleviated, however; online orders still suggest a 3-4 week delay in shipping.

[via GottaBeMobile]

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Flex touchscreen UI purposefully distorts your view [Video]

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 06:20 AM PDT

Usually, when we’re reviewing smartphones and tablets, we give them extra credit if they can pan, scroll and zoom without distortion. Now, Osaka University researchers are claiming, it’s might be better if they did. Their Flex touchscreen interface – demonstrated with Google Maps – uses a more elastic distortion of on-screen graphics, stretching around while your finger is on the display.

Video demo after the cut

While your finger is still in contact, the graphics pull and shift around so you can pan around what’s further off the screen. If you subsequently let go, the display shuffles around accordingly; move your finger back to the original point, however, and there’s no movement.

According to the researchers, this allows users to explore around the interface without losing their start position, potentially handy if – like us – you’ve ever tried to navigate between multiple destinations on a smartphone map and then lost the first place you located. Meanwhile multitouch gestures are also supported: flex the map and then tap the flexed part, and the screen automatically zooms out to fit both on-screen.

[youtube s5TPUNns3LE]

[via Technabob]

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Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play on sale now: Are you buying?

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 05:24 AM PDT

Just as promised – though in smaller numbers than originally expected – the Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play has finally gone on sale, offering PlayStation-style gaming while on the move. The UK, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan will get the handset today, with a further six markets over the next two weeks and then Verizon availability later in the year.

We reviewed the XPERIA Play yesterday, finding it to be a device with promise but still lacking the comprehensive software portfolio gamers will demand. Sony Ericsson has confirmed a list of over 60 titles – you can find it in the press release below – only six of which are PS One ports.

However, Sony has also recently confirmed that its Music Unlimited service will be headed to the XPERIA Play later in 2011, heaping further streaming media goodness onto the smartphone. So, are you tempted? Let us know in the poll below.

Press Release:

Sony Ericsson Xperia™ PLAY launching to market with over 60 games

· The world's first PlayStation® Certified smartphone now launching to first markets
· More than 60 games available within the first week, including top franchises Assassins Creed, Need for Speed and The Sims
· Original PlayStation® titles available for download exclusively on Xperia™ PLAY
· Partnerships with over 20 publishers as well as middleware companies Unity and Havok to ensure a steady flow of new innovative games

London, April 1, 2011 – Sony Ericsson Xperia™ PLAY, the world's first PlayStation® certified smartphone, is now on sale in shops in the UK, Germany,Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Hong Kong and Taiwan with further availability in an additional 6 markets over the next 2 weeks. The Xperia™ PLAY launches with more than 60 games from the industry's biggest content providers including Sony Computer Entertainment, Gameloft, Electronic Arts and Glu Mobile. The range of games available to download at launch is a combination of original PlayStation® titles, well known 3D titles that take the full advantage of the graphical capabilities and controls of Xperia™ PLAY as well as popular casual games all optimized for the unique game pad.

Sony Ericsson has formed partnerships with over 20 developers from big publishers to independents, from middleware providers Havok and Unity to engaging Android developers, to ensure a steady flow of new titles for Xperia™ PLAY. Some of the highlights include:
· Assassins Creed Altair's Chronicles HD – One of the most popular gaming franchises, with action, puzzles and stealth gameplay set in the Middle East of the Crusades

· Need for Speed – Grab the wheel of the fastest, hottest, and most powerful cars in the world. One of the most successful video game franchises of all times.

· Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell – The latest instalment in this key franchise. Special Forces operative and renegade Sam Fisher returns to fight a corrupt secret agency.

· Dungeon Defenders Second Wave – Stunning graphics, intense gameplay and exclusive on Xperia PLAY.

· Gun Bros – Choose your weapon and join the 'Freakishly Rugged' action heroes Percy and Francis Gun as they take on a terrifying menagerie of alien beings.

· Galaxy on Fire 2 – Escape into space with hours of deep gameplay and mind blowing graphics in this space exploration game.

· Guns 'n' Glory – You lead a gang of bandits in this popular and award-winning casual tower defence game with a hilarious western theme.

· Worms – Send your worm platoons into battle in this award-winning turn-based strategy game.

· Zenonia 2 – The lost memories – Classic and popular RPG. Numerous quests following an epic storyline.

· Backstab – An epic 3rd person pirate adventure that incorporates intense sword fights and other dynamic combat modes. Launching on April 14thexclusively on Xperia™ PLAY.

· N.O.V.A.2 – Awesome graphics and intense multiplayer gameplay. This First-Person Shooter makes its Android debut exclusively on Xperia™ PLAY.

In addition Sony Ericsson is happy to confirm that Asphalt 6 – the latest instalment of one of the leading and top-selling racing games will be available for free exclusively on Xperia™ PLAY.
The games are downloadable via the "Xperia™ PLAY launcher", an application that is activated by sliding open the gamepad. The "Xperia™ PLAY launcher" recommends games and enables consumers to search for top titles optimised for Xperia™ PLAY on Android market.

There is also a range of PlayStation® original games available at launch (in select markets initially). These are comprised of a pre-install of the PS One classic Crash Bandicoot®* and a further 5 PlayStation® original games available to download via the PlayStation® Pocket application in Xperia™ PLAY.

· Cool Boarders 2 – Time to pick up that snowboard again and rip through the snow with 16 intense racetracks.

· Destruction Derby – Original car carnage. Buckle yourself into a new car and destroy it but send your opponents to the junkyard first.

· Jumping Jack Flash – A first person platformer like no other. Leap around 6 colourful worlds in the cockpit of a robotic rabbit, hunting for the evil galactic property developer Baron Aloha.

· MediEvil™ – Resurrected 100 years later you have returned to defeat the sorcerer Zarok. Perhaps the world’s least worthy hero, you set out to save the land once again–for the first time.

· Syphon Filter™ – Become Gabe Logan: Guerrilla war expert. A man on a personal crusade to bring down an international terrorist ring and eliminate a deadly virus.

More games from Sony Computer Entertainment will be added to Xperia™ PLAY on a regular basis.

Dominic Neil-Dwyer, Head of Market Development at Sony Ericsson commented: "It's great to get Xperia PLAY into consumers' hands at last. This is just the start and the future is exciting based on all the interest and support we have from the game industry. A steady stream of fresh innovative content will be coming to Xperia PLAY over the coming months."

Xperia™ PLAY will be available in the following markets starting from today and in the next two weeks: United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Russia, India and Portugal.

As announced at Mobile World Congress Xperia™ PLAY will be in stores in the US market with Verizon Wireless this spring.

Appendix: Games available within the first week of launch:
Bruce Lee Dragon Warrior from Digital Legends (pre-installed)
FIFA 2010 from EA Mobile (pre-installed**)
Sims 3 from EA Mobile (pre-installed**)
Star Battalion from Gameloft (pre-installed**)
Tetris from EA mobile (pre-installed**)
Asphalt 6 from Gameloft (free to download)
Dungeon Defenders: Second Wave from Trendy Entertainment
Galaxy on Fire 2 from Fishlabs
Assassins Creed from Gameloft
Need for Speed SHIFT from EA Mobile
Worms from EA Mobile
Nova 2 from Gameloft
Modern Combat Black Pegasus from Gameloft
Guns n Glory from Handygames
Reckless Racing from Polarbit
Real Football 2011from Gameloft
Gun Bros from Glu Mobile
Racer Luma from Arcade/Unity
Cordy from SilverTree Media
Aporkalypse from Handygames
Brothers in Arms Global Front from Gameloft
Guerrilla Bob from Angry Mob Games/Unity
Let’s Golf 2 from Gameloft
Zenonia 2 from Gamevil
Cyberlords from Handygames
Guitar Hero™ Warriors of Rock Mobile from Glu Mobile
Age of Zombies from Halfbrick Studios
Spectral Souls from HyperDevBox Japan
Splinter Cell Conviction from Gameloft
Air Attack from Art in Games/Unity
Armageddon Squadron from Polarbit
Uno from Gameloft
InfeCCt from Handygames
Spiderman total Mayhem from Gameloft
Millionaire City from Digital Chocolate
Avatar from Gameloft
Raging Thunder 2from Polarbit
Homerun Battle 3D from Com2us Games
Aftermath XHD from Jakyl
I Must Run from GameLion
Baseball Superstars 2011from Gamevil
Ground Effect Pro from Jakyl
ZeNonia from Gamevil
Super KO Boxing 2 from Glu Mobile
Farm Story from Team Lava
Wave Blazer from Polarbit
Soccer Superstars from Gamevil
Battle Bears from Skyvu
Tower Blocks New York from Digital Chocolate
Super Dynamite Fishing from Handygames
Iron Sight from Polarbit
Toonwarz from Polarbit
Restaurant Story from Team Lava
Escape from AMA
Raving Babies from AMA
Bakery Story from Team Lava
Denki Blocks! Deluxe from Jakyl
Rollercoaster Rush from Digital Chocolate

PlayStation original games:
Crash Bandicoot® from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Cool Boarders 2 from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Destruction Derby from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Jumping Jack Flash from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
MediEvil™ from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Syphon Filter™ from Sony Computer Entertainment

* In France Syphon Filter™ will be pre-installed on Xperia PLAY.
** Pre-install may vary by territory

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Audio-Technica ATH-ANC23 QuietPoint headphones ship

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 04:53 AM PDT

Audio-Technica has unveiled a new set of noise cancelling headphones that aren't the over the ear style that we usually see for active noise cancelling designs. These in-ear headphones promise comfort and can block 90% of external sound. The headphones are also very compact making them perfect for those that travel a lot.

Each of the earpieces has a tiny microphone that picks up the sound in the room and then eliminates it with active tech. The earphones also have innovative ANC circuitry for pure audio signal and good music quality when you listen. The headphones are aimed at uses of earphones and other portable devices.

The earpieces are interchangeable and the noise cancellation tech runs off a battery. If the battery goes dead the user can still use the headphones for listening to music. They ship with a hard case to store the accessories and earphones and the frequency response is 20-20,000Hz. They are available for $99.99 and are shipping now.

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Hasbro MY3D for iPhone and iPod touch launches

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 04:36 AM PDT

Back in November, we first caught wind of the Hasbro MY3D iPhone and iPod touch holder. The thing uses an app to turn your iPod or iPhone into a 3D Viewmaster style device for kids to play with. Hasbro has now announced that the MY3D device is set to launch.

The MY3D will hit Target stores on April 3 and will be an exclusive for Target until June when it will roll out to other retail outlets. The device has two access openings that allow the user to interact with the screen on the iPhone or touch for control. It will work with iPhones all the way back to the 3G and second, third, and fourth gen iPod touch devices.

The MY3D works with apps that are on the app store with games and other things that can be used with the viewer. The apps include MY3D 360° SHARKS, MY3D SECTOR 17, MY3D TELEPORT L.A., MY3D BUBBLE BOLT, MY3D TUNNEL PILOT, and MY3D SHATTERSTORM. The MY3D viewer will come in black or white for $34.99. It’s not clear if the apps or free or paid.

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Robotic surgical instruments make tiny paper airplanes

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 04:20 AM PDT

It never ceases to amaze me at how medical technology has progressed in the last few years. Surgeries that required docs to cut you open and pry out your innards a few years back can now be done with tiny incisions and little robotic tools like the ones you see in the image below. The tools can also make more precise paper airplanes than I can with my hands.

I guess considering that these little robot tools can be used to fix hearts and other critical parts of the human body I shouldn't be surprised that the things can fold tiny little paper airplanes, but I am. I had no idea these tools had so much dexterity.

This isn’t what bored docs get up to just to stay warm in surgical suites; this is how Dr. James Porter shows off how precise his fancy da Vinci robot really is. I am impressed Dr. Porter, but can it make an origami swan?

[via Dvice]

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Duet 2 promises Mac users better recording quality

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 04:07 AM PDT

Mac users that are looking for better sound quality for their music recording and other digital content might want to give the new Duet 2 a look. The gadget hooks to your computer via USB and promises to turn your computer into a professional level recording studio.

The Duet 2 has a completely redesigned mic preamp and converter compared to the original it has four outputs with independent speaker and headphone outs. The outputs are also balanced. It connects to your Mac via USB 2.0 and it supports 24-bit/192kHz recording.

The device has an OLED color screen and the touchpads are configurable. It comes with Maestro 2 software and has an optional breakout box and a redesigned breakout cable. The new Duet 2 will ship this month at $595.

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Music Unlimited headed to NGP, PSP, and Xperia Play

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 03:54 AM PDT

If you are a music fan that has a PS3 and access to Sony’s Music Unlimited service you can stream all the music you ears can handle from the web. The service comes in a basic offering and a premium offering. The difference is the basic offering at £3.99 monthly gives you streaming of genre specific channels while the premium at £9.99 monthly offers you access to more channels and on demand play of any track the service offers.

Sony is set to expand the places you can access that Music Unlimited service and bring it to more devices. One of the key devices that will get the music plan is the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play smartphone. The service may also come to other Android devices. Sony will also be enabling Music Unlimited on other Sony branded devices.

The coming NGP portable game console will get access to the streaming service and the PSP will get access soon. Sony also notes that it is looking to expand the service beyond music to video in the future. The PSP will be the first device to get Music Unlimited with Sony saying it is coming in “a matter of weeks.”

[via Android Community]

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LG Display livid over Samsung exec’s engineer expletive [Updated]

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 03:51 AM PDT

An unexpected slur by a Samsung exec on rivals LG Display could result in a legal case, after Kim Hyun-suk, vice president of Samsung's digital media business, described LG’s engineers as “really stupid sh*ts” at a press conference earlier this week. Asked by journalists about LG’s Full HD claims for its latest 3D TV technology, the Korea Herald reports, Hyun-suk retorted “I heard that LG Display’s Kwon Young-soo said its TVs are full HD, I think his engineers are really stupid sh*ts. What a lame argument with no theoretical grounds. It’s just unreasonable.”

Unsurprisingly, LG Display took offense at the expletive, and while the company initially planned to let the insult pass without comment, it later began preparing for legal action. “There are business ethics and practices to follow even if we are competing with each other over technological standards” a spokesperson said, “it is very disappointing and unacceptable if an executive at a respected global company humiliated its rival company’s employees at an official event hurling a curse.”

The contentious technology is film-type patterned retarder (FPR) 3D, as on LG’s new CINEMA 3D LW5700 HDTVs. The company claims they are flicker-free and avoid the crosstalk present in Samsung’s competing active-shutter 3D systems.

Update: LG Display has apparently accepted an apology from Kim Hyun-suk and is no longer planning legal action. “We spoke about the letter with our engineers” the company said in a statement, “and decided to accept the apology because we believe Samsung Electronics and the executive in question have gone through self-reflection.” [Thanks Kunal!]

[via Gizmodo]

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First pic of new Pentax NC mirrorless camera system surfaces

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 03:31 AM PDT

Sources have been hinting to some camera centric sites that a new mirrorless camera is set to land at Pentax in May or June. All anyone really had to go by was the world of these unnamed sources. Now a new picture of the Pentax NC mirrorless digital camera has surfaced with a couple of lenses in tow.

The camera in the pictures is labeled NC-1 and it has a silver and very retro design. Apparently, Pentax was out to create the smallest mirrorless system in the world and it looks like it succeeded. The camera has a 1/3,33″ sensor that is about the size of the sensor in most compact cameras. The resolution is said to be 14MP and it can record HD resolution video in H.264 format.

A pair of lenses will come along with the camera including a prime 8.5mm f/1.9 lens and a zoom 5-15mm f/2.8-4.5 lens. The exact dimensions of the camera are not offered yet, but man do the lenses look small in that image. Apparently, in addition to this camera Pentax will also have an APS-C sensor mirrorless camera system that is larger than the tiny camera in the photo and will work with current K-mount lenses. That system is rumored for this summer.

Thanks Toby!
[via Mirrorless Rumors]

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Hercules launches new 10-inch Linux and A8 eCafe netbooks

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 03:18 AM PDT

The netbook was flying high in the darkest days of the recession over the last few years as consumers that needed or wanted a new computer flocked to the cheap machines rather than full on notebooks. As the economy improved, the market moved back to notebooks that are more powerful and with the advent of the tablet, many that would have bought a netbook opted for a tablet like the iPad instead.

Hercules has already offered an eCafe netbook in the past but it was really more of a me too offering that was basically the same as hoards of other netbooks on the market at the time. We reviewed the eCafe about this time last year. Hercules has now come back to the netbook market with something a bit different in a new couple of new eCafe machines including the Slim HD and the EX HD.

The Slim HD is under an inch thick and weighs in at 1.9 pounds making it very portable and the EX HD is a bit larger at 1.1-inches thick and 2.5 pounds. Both of the netbooks have 10-inch screens with 1024 x 600 resolution and HDMI outputs. The rigs also both run a custom Linux version and have ARM Coretex-A8 processors inside. Storage is to either 8GB or 16GB of flash and they have 512MB of RAM. I just don’t see these things luring anyone considering a tablet back to the netbook realm.

[via Engadget]

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First-gen iPad refurb stock dwindles (but bargains still to be had)

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 03:16 AM PDT

The time to scoop a cut-price first-gen iPad is fast running out, as Apple’s remaining stock – discounted since the launch of the iPad 2 – dwindles. The iPad WiFi 16GB, which was slashed to $349, is now no longer available, making the cheapest “iPad 1″ now the WiFi 32GB model at $429, still $70 cheaper than the entry-level 16GB iPad 2.

If it’s an iPad WiFi + 3G you’re after, the 16GB first-gen model is $479. That’s $150 less than the iPad 2 models equipped with 3G, though of course you won’t get the option to pick Verizon as your data carrier.

The differences between the iPad 1 and iPad 2 are all laid out in our comparison feature, and we talk a more about the upgrade process in our iPad 2 Skeptic’s Review. You may not have the fastest Apple tablet, or a couple of (low-res) cameras, but cash left over in your wallet may be enough to salve any envy.

[via Macgasm]

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Acer wants to be more like Apple and restructures to do it

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 03:06 AM PDT

Yesterday we mentioned that Acer’s CEO had stepped down amid some disagreement on product development. Acer was hit hard last year with the sales of netbooks dropping massively in the face of the hugely popular iPad and other tablets. Acer has now set its sights on Apple and HTC. Acer had previously tried to target HP and that didn't work out so well for it so the sights are only slightly lower this time around.

Acer has noted that it will start to undergo some corporate restructuring according to the chairman JT Wang. Wang will also assume the spot of CEO with Guianfranco Lanci stepping down and a new global president will be appointed with DigiTimes claiming that will come at the end of April. Wang will handle finance, personnel and global marketing while the president will supervise product design, innovation, procurement, and logistics.

Acer is also set to buy back up to NT$68.8 billion in stock shares. That works out to about 54 million shares at the current price. The buyback will be conducted from April 1 to May 31 according to a filing the company made with the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Acer shares are down 1.2% to close to NT$60 on the TSE as of yesterday.

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Skype offers prizes to geeks that create a better Skype for Mac

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 02:53 AM PDT

I am not a Mac user so I can't speak to the validity of this, but apparently chat on Skype for Mac sucks. It seems that it sucks so badly that Skype is asking Mac geeks for help designing something better. I guess the upside to this is if the new version created sucks, they can blame it on the users and not take the heat themselves.

If you are a handy developer sort, you might want to enter this contest because you can win some cool prizes and the love of Mac fans all around if your chat design is better than what they have now. The contest opens a bit more than seven days from now and Skype has a template that you can use to get started. The contest will run over three stages and each of those stages will run for three weeks. Two geeks will be picked at the end of each stage and the winners will be named.

The judge’s choice will be selected by votes from Skype users and the final six winners will go forward for a chance to win the final prize. All three judges choice winners will get an iPad 2, CCS3 for Web Designers, and a year subscription to Unlimited World Extra. The grand prize winner will get their chat design used in an upcoming Skype for Mac release, a 11-inch MacBook Air, an iPad 2, and the years Unlimited World Extra subscription. Three people’s choice winners will get an Apple TV, CSS3 for Web Devs, and the Unlimited World Extra subscription.

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Sweet Wrex Titanium Adjustable Pocket Wrench is perfect for the MacGyver in you

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 02:26 AM PDT

If you are the handy sort or the type that has a car that needs constant attention you need to have something like the Wrex Titanium Adjustable Pocket Wrench on you at all times. This little tool has all kinds of cool things that a dude might need at any point and it’s made from titanium for lightweight. Plus, it looks really cool.

The wrench was machined out of 6AK-4V titanium and heat-treated 154Cm stainless steel. The wrench weighs 2.9-ounces and has a trigger lock adjustable wrench jaw. It also sports a titanium coated knife blade. That knife blade can be removed with an onboard flat tip and phillips screwdriver head.

That wrench can adjust from .100″ minimum up to .85 max allowing it to fit up to a ¾ inch nut. It has a wire-stripping hole and a bottle opener built in. That means you can pop open a cold brew after you MacGyver your way out of whatever problem you run into. The wrench is up for pre-order right now for $179 with shipping set for early May.

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Car audio system blows phone book apart

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 02:13 AM PDT

Back when I was in high school, everyone wanted really loud car audio systems. I always had a modest goal; I wanted a stereo system in my car that would blow the skirts off cheerleaders. I don’t think that is asking too much really. Sadly, my high school budget could only afford speakers from Wal-Mart so it was never meant to be.

This dude going by meade918 on YouTube has the system in his truck that would have got the task done back in high school. I be this dude has more money in his stereo system than most people spend on a car. The rig draws so much juice he has three alternators on the car and hoards of batteries.

All that power goes to four gigantic subs in the rear hatch of the truck. The fun starts when the dude grabs a phone book and stuffs it in the big port on the rear when all the air the woofers displaced comes flying out. Watch that phone book being shredded is pretty wild. I’d have been more impressed if he pulled up behind a pyramid of cheerleaders though.

[via Fark]

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Samsung and Visa to offer Olympic-themed NFC payment phone in 2012

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 02:08 AM PDT

The buzz around NFC and mobile payments continues to rage, with the latest being a partnership between Samsung and Visa to offer wireless shopping in London in time for the 2012 Olympics. The scheme will use a special “Samsung Olympic and Paralympic Games mobile handset” which – if it’s the device in the press shot – looks to be another variant on the Galaxy S, along with a “Visa-enabled SIM card.”

The two companies plan to offer the smartphone to Olympic athletes but also put it on sale, with the promise of over 60,000 locations where the tap-payments will be accepted. It’s unclear whether other NFC-enabled devices, like the Samsung-made Nexus S, will also be able to use the system.

Of course, whether London will actually get the mobile payments system in time remains to be seen; it’s not the first time ambitious plans for Olympics-timed wireless systems have been scuppered. Talk of WiFi-enabling the London Underground system have collapsed after potential carrier and hardware partners balked at the idea of having to fund the whole thing themselves.

Press Release:

Samsung & Visa, Two Worldwide Olympic Sponsors, Join Forces to Enable Mobile Payments

Pioneering alliance to bring mobile payments to the UK and around the world in the run up to and during London 2012

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Samsung and Visa today announced plans to bring the latest innovation in payment technology to the market as part of their sponsorships of London 2012, enabling consumers to make mobile payments using the Samsung Olympic and Paralympic Games mobile handset. Before and during the Games, the innovation will transform the payment experience in London and globally, enabling faster, more convenient payments via mobile phone.

"We look forward to working with financial institutions and mobile operators alongside Samsung to make this initiative a success."
Samsung and Visa's new strategic alliance is designed to leave a lasting legacy in the market post-2012.

Samsung Electronics, the Worldwide Olympic Partner for Wireless Communications Equipment, and Visa, the Worldwide Olympic Partner and exclusive Payment Services sponsor are combining their sponsorship assets and leadership in technology to ensure that the Olympic and Paralympic Games mobile handset available to the general public will be equipped with technology that enables mobile payments, Near Field Communications (NFC) and Visa's contactless payment technology. To make payments, customers simply select the Visa mobile contactless application, select pay and hold the phone in front of a contactless reader at the point of purchase.

Visa is working with banks and retailers worldwide to roll-out acceptance for Visa contactless cards, as well as mobile phones, as part of an industry wide roll-out of contactless technology. In London there are already more than 60,000 locations where contactless payments are accepted and contactless and electronic card payments will be available in the run-up to and during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With the momentum to commercialise mobile payments globally, consumers will be able to make mobile contactless payments in the run up to and during the Games in many countries around the world.

Samsung and Visa will work together to provide the contactless enabled Olympics handset to Visa and Samsung sponsored athletes as part of this initiative. Samsung and Visa also plan to make the handset available for consumers to purchase through mobile network operators and other distributors. A Visa-enabled SIM card will be required for use with the device in order to make purchases at retailers who have the contactless payment system.

"Visa, like Samsung, shares the vision of leveraging our Olympic and Paralympic Games sponsorship to leave a lasting legacy in the market for banks, retailers, mobile operators and consumers. We are not only breaking new ground for Olympic partnerships, we are committed to enabling consumers to connect with mobile and contactless payments technology for 2012 and beyond," said Peter Ayliffe, CEO of Visa Europe. "We look forward to working with financial institutions and mobile operators alongside Samsung to make this initiative a success."

"Innovation is a key business driver for Visa and mobile payments are one of the main areas we’re focusing on. The Olympic and Paralympic Games enables us to accelerate our business goals and this partnership plays a large role in achieving them," said Mariano Dima, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Payment Solutions at Visa Europe.

Samsung and Visa are committed to enabling consumers to create meaningful connections with the Olympic and Paralympic Games and enjoy a better, smarter life through the leading mobile payment technology. Samsung has demonstrated its leadership in NFC-enabled phone technology, since it launched one of the first commercial NFC phones in France in 2010. It then unveiled the industry's first Android phone equipped with NFC capabilities last year, followed by the NFC-enabled bada smartphone, introduced at the Mobile World Congress 2011.

"As a pioneer in mobile technology, Samsung is striving for long term change in the way we use mobile payments. In London next year, we regard the greatest show on earth as the perfect opportunity to showcase how this technology can make a positive difference to people's lives – enabling them to feel closer to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This mobile payment device will be available in the UK initially, and we plan to expand the service to other countries in Europe and around the world where contactless payment facilities are available in the near future," said Seokpil Kim, President & CEO of Samsung Electronics Europe.

Gyehyun Kwon, Vice President & Head of Worldwide Sports Marketing, Samsung Electronics added, "This marks the very first partnership between two Worldwide Olympic Partners of the London 2012 Games. We are delighted to be joining forces with Visa to make the Olympic Games more accessible and convenient for everyone. This fits extremely well with our ambition to enable more people to participate in the Games through our smart technology."

Visa and Samsung will work with mobile network operators, financial institutions and retailers around the world to bring the convenience, security and reliability of Visa's contactless technology to mobile users worldwide. Currently, Visa mobile payments are being rolled out in countries across the globe including Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and the United States.

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Home Premiere “premium VOD” offers $30 rentals 60 days after theater

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 01:53 AM PDT

A premium video-on-demand service backed by major Hollywood studios is set to launch imminently, with Home Premiere offering $30 rentals just two months after they show at theaters. According to Variety, Warner Bros., Sony, Universal and 20th Century Fox new Home Premiere service will arrive on DirecTV in April 2011, while cable providers – including Comcast – are planning limited trials.

However, theater owners are unimpressed with the proposal, concerned that premium VOD will eat away at attendance figures. “These plans fundamentally alter the economic relationship between exhibitors, filmmakers and producers, and the studios taking part in this misguided venture” the National Association of Theater Owners argues, though the studios behind Home Premiere have said they will delay any titles still performing well at the box office beyond the initial 60 day period.

On the other side, DirecTV and other providers have been arguing for even shorter periods between theatrical release and on-demand access, though at least one theater chain has supposedly threatened to not to screen films should that happen. Paramount is not taking part in Home Premiere over what is believed to be concerns over potential piracy.

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April Fools Tech Roundup

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 01:32 AM PDT

It’s April 1 2011, and that means the wags of the tech industry will by vying to see if they can con each other with April Fools’ Day pranks. There’s always some impressive schemes and this year there are some real stars, including a PLAYMOBIL Apple Store and motion-control for Gmail. Check out the SlashGear April Fools Tech Roundup after the cut!

Google has cleverly picked up on the Kinect-style enthusiasm for motion control systems, and has outed Gmail Motion, its new email beta that allows users to navigate their inboxes with various unwieldy gestures. There’s a full PDF of them, but we particularly like the “star message” command.

Retailer ThinkGeek is also well known for its convincing comedy products, some of which end up so popular that the company actually ends up making them. This year they’ve outdone themselves with the PLAYMOBIL Apple Store Playset, complete with a slot where your iPhone 4 can become the huge screen in Steve Jobs’ Keynote Theater. If anything good can come of April Fools’ Day, it has to be a production version of this.

TechCrunch has been getting into the action a little themselves, with the US team revealing that Google had classified its own Google Places as a content farm, while the European team break the bad news that Spotify is shuttering its Euro services to fund a US launch.

YouTube is looking to its roots after 100 years of online video streaming, and has gone sepia in honor of what clips looked like all those years ago.

The retro geeks in us also approve of ZDNet UK‘s Colossus Mk 2 review, while Starbucks Mobile Pour – or baristas on scooters – looks like the ideal service for us lazy bloggers. Apparently there’s coffee-on-rollerblades and coffee-in-the-mail coming too.

Toshiba has caught on to the 3D buzz with the perfect solution for those “who don’t like bulky 3D glasses but just can’t wait for glasses-free 3D.” The answer is the Toshiba Spectacle 3D, the world’s first 3D monocle.

Retailer Expansys got into the April Fools game a few days early, suggesting that with a few modifications the iPad 2 can, in fact, take X-ray style photos through peoples’ clothes:

Firebox has a few comedy products on offer, including a cardboard bike for environmentalists, a wind-up Olympic Countdown clock and a Bacon Inhaler that allows you to puff on some pork.

One for the font-lovers out there; try searching Google for “helvetica”:

“Komodo dragons help us see new possibilities” reckons Qualcomm, which says it is sending its Snapdragon employees on a “Way of the Dragon” retreat. A little too much brand-pushing for our liking, but always fun to see engineers rolling around on the grass.

Somewhat more ambitious, Sir Richard Branson has announced that he has bought Pluto and plans to have it reinstated as a planet “to set an example for struggling entrepreneurs facing setbacks.” A special rocket with a space-debris collecting scoop will bulk up Pluto’s mass, and is scheduled to blast off on, you guessed it, April 1 2012.

Game developer Blizzard has gone pretty complex with its April Fools attempt, the Horadrapp Cube for creating “brand-new apps from scratch by combining and transforming your existing apps.” Be careful, though, as they warn misuse could lead to “headaches, sleeplessness, rashes, hauntings, curses, dismemberment, disembowelment, evisceration, conflagration, immolation, insanity, demonic possession, or athlete’s foot.”

The folks at Silicon Valley Watcher have taken it upon themselves to update HP’s board of directors – having only a few weeks ago added Will.i.am to their ranks (true,) they’ll now be hiring Charley Sheen (false) to add some spice to their lives. Not that they needed any, mind you: “Mark Hurd, the former CEO, was pushed out because of allegations of a sex scandal and questions about his personal judgement.”

The Pirate Bay wins ebay.com in an ebay.com auction.

HULU returns to 1996 with episodes of News Radio, Weird Science, and the fantastically classic Kids In The Hall. Also present is a news clip about how banks could start charging fees on ATM withdrawals, Up-and-comer Lucy Liu guest starring on the X-Files, and how the site is best viewed on Netscape or Internet Explorer – both of them available via chicklet link. There’s a guest book, a guest counter that reads 54, and an “under construction” icon – and the whole thing is built on Geocities.

We’ll be updating this roundup through the day, so if you spot any great pranks then do let us know in the comments!

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T-Mobile Sidekick 4G release date revealed by RadioShack

Posted: 01 Apr 2011 01:02 AM PDT

RadioShack has confirmed the launch date for the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G, taking to Twitter to announce that the Android-based messaging handset will arrive in stores on April 20. T-Mobile had previously confirmed pricing for the Sidekick 4G, but is yet to attach an official release timetable.

Your money gets you a full 3.5-inch touchscreen interface wearing a new Sidekick UI, preloaded video call support, and of course a physical keyboard with dedicated emoticon and voice control keys, no less. Inside there’s Android 2.2 Froyo running on a a 1GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird processor.

The Sidekick 4G will be priced at $99.99 (with a $50 mail-in rebate) and a two-year agreement including unlimited data, or alternatively $149.99 with a qualifying plan including a limited data package, again for two years. For more on the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G, check out our hands-on coverage including live video.

[via Android Community]

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